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NASA posts beautiful martian image showing ‘blue’ region of the red planet

NASA posts beautiful martian image showing 'blue' region of the red planet

NASA posts beautiful martian image showing 'blue' region of the red planet

When we say Mars, the first thing that comes to our mind is the red desert. Mars is almost always associated with red. Quite natural because the red planet is seen in the night sky even with the naked eye. If someone says Mars is blue, we will definitely ignore the opinion almost instantly.

But now NASA, a space agency that has many explorers on the red planet and the surrounding orbitter has released several images where clear blue lines are seen on the surface of this planet. The picture has been captured by Mars Reconnaissance Orbitter (MRO) so that it has captured the area on the surface of Mars that stretches hundreds of meters. Each pixel in this picture is equal to 25 feet on the surface of Mars.

The blue lines on the surface of Mars are beautiful views. The Mars region seen in these pictures is called Gamboa Crater. Located in the northern hemisphere of the planet.

So why is the red planet so blue?

The answer lies in the way this image is processed. This is called a ‘fake color’. The blue area is actually as red as this planet but has been blue because of a slight variation in the reflected light frequency. This region is actually not blue.

So, is that just a way to make images more beautiful and nothing else? Not.

The striped areas in blue indicate the presence of geological structures. When an analyst studies this picture will be very helpful for him to find out quickly where this geological structure is located. This can help us understand the geology of Mars in more detail.

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